Dealing with Online Reviews

Learn how to best handle the not so good feedback and reviews, and use the great ones to your advantage.

Michael Cody



Dr Shane Simpson

Practice Owner

The Unusual Pet Vets

Dr Caitlin DeWilde

Veterinarian & Founder

The Social DVM

Kimberley Lim

Partner Marketing Manager


The adage is that there is no such thing as bad press, however, it's not always black and white when it comes to online reviews. In this webinar co-run by The Unusual Pet Vets, ReviewTree, The Social DVM, and ezyVet Marketing, you'll learn our recommended course of action and approach when responding to all sorts of online reviews. With real-life examples and an open discussion at the end, you'll walk away with new ideas you can implement right away!

The program has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit (1 CE Credit) in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. After watching the video, you will be prompted to take a quiz. There are only 5 questions and you need to score 4/5 to pass. ✅

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