Pricing in Veterinary Clinics

The behavioral economics behind pricing and why practices should not discount their services 🧠

Paolo Lencioni



Paul Dunn



This special webinar hosted by Profitdiagnostix and presented by TEDx speaker and B1G1 co-founder Paul Dunn delves into the behavioral economics around pricing specific to the veterinary market. Using examples from the 20 top veterinary products sold by sell price to the behavioral economics of pricing, the team highlights why practices should not discount their services and shares tactics on how to handle tricky client conversations about their vet bill.

Visit B1G1 and see how your business can do good.

The webinar has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit (1 CE Credit) in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. After watching the video, you will be prompted to take a quiz. There are only 5 questions and you need to score 4/5 to pass. ✅

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