ezyVet Alumni Brooke Hill is returning to work in a veterinary clinic as a veterinary nurse after some time away from the profession. We ask her about the driving force behind her desire to return to veterinary care.

What do you love about working in a Veterinary Practice?

I believe the main reason we all work in the veterinary industry is our passion and love for caring for patients and ultimately becoming an advocate for them. Another aspect for me is also the clinical experience. I’m grateful to have an ongoing opportunity to learn about interesting cases and how I can help improve an animal’s quality of life.

What was the turning point, that made you decide to start looking at opportunities outside of a veterinary practice?

It can be highly stressful having an animal’s life in your hands especially if they come in very ill. Having to suggest to the owner of a patient that euthanasia may be the best choice can take a toll on you. This is what made me look outside of a veterinary practice. I was wanting to try something different but still help animals and vets in a different way. Therefore working in the ezyVet Support team was the perfect match when looking at a change in career. I was able to still support veterinarians, nurses, practice mangers and all roles in-between to make their day-to-day clinical lives that little bit easier.

After taking a break from working within a veterinary practice what did you find yourself missing the most?

I found myself really missing the hands-on experience, the time spent being around animals and working to nurse them back to health, scrubbing into surgeries, discovering new cases and laboratory work. Being a veterinary nurse is such a varied role where every day is different which I absolutely love about the role.

Did this help shape your decision into going back?

Yes, being in a clinic can have some down sides as not every patient is fortunate enough to leave, but when you are able to be part of a team that is able to better the animals health and give them a better quality of life, this becomes very rewarding. And I know I speak for many when I say this is why we do what we do; to help and nurse a patient in need back to health. Seeing a patient that was in critical condition run out and greet their family is the best feeling and something I cannot wait to be part of again.

Everyday life within a veterinary practice can be stressful and often overwhelming, what skills have you learnt during your time away that you can take back into clinical life to help with the tough days? 

While I have been away from clinic life, I have learnt a lot about being prepared and taking every opportunity I have to upskill. This has helped me understand the industry better and helped me to develop a better understanding of teamwork, problem solving, listening, communication skills and understanding. I’m looking forward at implementing these into my daily workflow and having an impact not only on myself but also my team members.

What would your advice be to anyone considering taking a break from the industry?

Make sure this is the right move for you. Every person is different. Weigh out your pros and cons on why you have decided to move. Sometimes a break can also help you appreciate the areas of your role that you love and identify areas that you struggle with and allow you time out to problem solve solutions for those difficult areas.

What does the future within the veterinary industry look like for you?

The future is bright and one I cannot wait to get stuck into, I would like to continue to upskill as a nurse and complete further education in a Bachelor of Veterinary Science at Massey University with the aim of becoming a veterinarian.

    Looking for a change in scenery but wanting to remain in the veterinary community? No matter where you’re at in your veterinary career, ezyVet can play a part of building your work experience and upskilling.

    Check out ezyVet opportunities here.