Customer Radar

Get real-time customer feedback and grow your Google reviews.

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Customer Radar

Get real-time customer feedback and grow your Google reviews.

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Instant feedback for practice improvement

Customer Radar automatically invites customers to provide feedback one hour after their appointment. Get instant insight into what customers liked about your practice or what could be improved.

Turn unhappy customers into advocates

Customer Radar sends an email notification to you the moment a customer provides feedback - allowing you to easily communicate with them if there’s a problem.

Improve business profitability

Use customer feedback to improve core business metrics like utilization, profitability, customer retention and the cost of customer acquisition.

Engage your team

Share feedback with your team to keep them engaged and use feedback to measure, monitor and improve the customer experience you are offering through real-time Net Promoter Score.

Grow your Google reviews

After customers give feedback, Customer Radar automatically invites them to leave a Google review. Helping you win more business and improve your visibility on Google.

Make it easy for customers

Your customers answer two quick questions - how likely they are to recommend your clinic, as well as providing a comment on why they gave that rating.

How Customer Radar works with ezyVet

The Customer Radar ezyVet integration makes it easy for your practice to get real-time customer feedback and more Google reviews.

The integration works in 4 simple steps:

  1. Your customers visit you for an appointment.
  2. After a set time your customers are sent an invitation through ezyVet to provide feedback.
  3. You receive an alert email as soon as your customers submit feedback
  4. From the Customer Radar dashboard, you can reply to your customer’s feedback, or share the feedback with your team to encourage great work.

During the setup form, you can select the appointment status and types that will send an invitation to your customers to submit feedback (e.g. Surgery, Grooming, Follow-up, etc).

If you're ready to get started today, simply complete this form to begin your 30 day risk-free trial!

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About Customer Radar

Customer Radar is a real-time customer feedback and Google reviews platform. Developed with busy people in mind, Customer Radar is intuitive and easy to use so you can focus on delivering great experiences that your customers will love!

Get in touch with Customer Radar and ezyVet

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