Welcome to What's Quacking! A meet-and-greet series with our awesome humans. Get to know the people at ezyVet, what makes them tick, their role and life outside of ezyVet. 

Meet Camille Fulton, Implementation Team Leader, Dallas.

What made you want to join ezyVet?

I was previously a Vet Tech looking for a change. I still have a passion for the industry and was looking for a way to help it grow. When I was researching ezyVet I noticed how it could help streamline workflow in the veterinary world as well as provide rich reporting to help them grow their businesses. Learning this made me want to be a part of the company’s growth as well as culture.

What gets you fired up and excited?

Facing a challenge and coming to optimal resolutions for all parties.

How would you describe your day job to a 3-year-old?

I help animal doctors and nurses to heal puppies, kittens, and other cute animals.

In 3 years, what do you hope to have achieved?

In 3 years I hope to have contributed to introducing ezyVet and all its opportunities to others in the veterinary world and by doing so help ezyVet to become one of the most recognized VPM software solutions around the globe.

How did you get to where you are today?

Hard work, learning how to stand back up when you fail, and never losing site of the end goal.

What are your biggest achievements to date – professional or/and personal?

Using my Animal Science degree to help me become a registered VetTech in Oklahoma and then licensed in Texas, as well as making the move to ezyVet are my greatest achievements professionally. I grew up in Oklahoma and was hesitant to move to another state last year. The change has by far been the best move for me personally.

If you could do any other job for one day, what would it be?

The only other job I would want for a day, would be coordinator for events for animal shelters and rescues. I would like to help set up fundraising events to provide these organizations with more funds and support.

If you could pick anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

Danielle Lambert – currently of Whisker Cloud/Snout School. I love how she has contributed to the veterinary industry.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I enjoy a good run or walk either outside or at the gym with some classic rock. I do this every morning to start my day. A good mystery novel or TV show will always catch my attention. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and my cat Mr. Darcy.

What is your favorite quote?

There are two: Que sera sera – Whatever will be, will be

Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.

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