Breaking down product design

ezyVet has always been focused on creating a user-friendly product that creates efficiencies within a veterinary practice, and we're constantly looking at ways to keep making it better. The most important part of the design phase is making sure we have a clear understanding of who our customers are and what their needs are, in terms of what they are wanting to achieve with our product. We need to not only make sure we are building a product that is visually appealing but one that enables our customers to streamline their day-to-day tasks with ease. 

We continue to develop and grow ezyVet by having a clear foundation of knowing who our customers are and their pain points. This guides how we design new features that not only solve our customer's problems when it comes to veterinary practice management but to also provide the biggest impact.

Once we have identified the issues we’re trying to solve, we begin the first stage of the design concept. This is where our product designer gets creative! Whether it’s creating a brand-new feature or updating an existing feature, the product designer designs the look, feel, and workflow of that feature.

What is confidence testing & how do our customers fit in?​

Confidence is a measurement of trust, and testing is carried out to prove that the concept is working as expected. After the design concepts have been completed, notifications are sent to customers who volunteer to be in the testing group to kick start the testing process. Confidence testing not only ensures our designs and features align with our customer’s needs but is our unique way of inviting our customers along the product journey with us by giving them the opportunity to be a part of improving our product. 

Our confidence testing team is made up of a group of ezyVet customers and super users around the world who revel at the chance to participate in building future features and changes by taking part in surveys and giving feedback and suggestions on new features and concepts. Ultimately, our customers' feedback helps influence and shape the outcome of the final design before it heads into production. 

What does success look like?

One of the successes of a campaign is when we end up with a bigger and better idea than we first envisioned after collaboration with the group. This is always very exciting when this happens. Success also counts when we choose to not move forward with an idea, based on the feedback that a proposed feature may not provide as much impact as another. This allows us to move forward with prioritizing our time and energy to else that will bring more value to customers.

All ezyVet customers are welcome to join the Confidence Testing Group and contribute to shaping ezyVet's future. Get in touch to be apart of the journey!