Would you like to see revisits increase this year, make more profit from product sales or increase the amount of positive reviews that your practice has online?
It's a new year. What better time to think about what you have accomplished over the last year. Reflecting on the progress you have made will be the key to your success in the year ahead. Past wins, challenges, and solutions will help you establish direction for what you would like to achieve over the next 12 months.
Goal setting holds you accountable to your progress. You will never be able to succeed if you have nothing to measure success against. As a veterinarian, or a practice manager, it can be hard to take the time to step back from your day to day work and think about the bigger picture. Finding the time to set goals will give you and your team something to work towards and offer the chance to feel accomplished at the end of the year.
Goal setting holds you accountable to your progress. You will never be able to succeed if you have nothing to measure success against. As a veterinarian, or a practice manager, it can be hard to take the time to step back from your day to day work and think about the bigger picture. Finding the time to set goals will give you and your team something to work towards and offer the chance to feel accomplished at the end of the year.
Tips for writing goals:
Start by thinking about where you would like to be, and set goals on how to get there accordingly. It is likely there will be several steps that you need to take in order to get to your end goal.
'SMART goals' is a term you have probably heard before, and one you shouldn't forget. Breaking your goals down to achievable milestones will help you get there in the smartest way possible.
What does SMART stand for?
S - Be Specific, not vague. Describe exactly what it is that you want to achieve, the more detailed you can be, the more likely it is you'll be able to achieve it.
M - Make your goal Measurable. Using units, stats and quantities will make it simple to know when this goal has been completed.
A – Don't over promise and under deliver; make your goals Achievable.
R – Aiming high is only natural. Keep it Realistic and set goals that with a bit of hard work, you can actually reach.
T – In what Time length do you hope to achieve this goal by? Setting a time cap not only pushes motivation but helps ensure the goal is measurable.
Vague: Sell more products
Smart: Increase Royal Canin senior product sales by 2% in the first quarter
Vague: Make more profit
Smart: Increase profits from revisits by 3.5% for each vet by the end of the financial year
Vague: Increase patient happiness
Smart: Receive 5 customer reviews with NPS score of 8+ monthly
Using your practice management software to measure success
You may not realize, but your practice management software could be equipped with a wide range of information and features that when used correctly can help you achieve your goals.
ezyVet practice management software has a wide range of powerful reports that will help you to make important decisions. These reports can assist you when attempting to pinpoint areas of the business that need attention and measuring the success of your efforts.
ezyVet has some great financial features giving you the ability to perform financial procedures (like sending statements, charging interest and sending debtor letters). ezyVet's sales reports are built around products, product groups and vets, helping you analyze what is selling well and by who. Other reports include stock reports, clinical reports, animal reports, customer reports and performance reporting.
A great practice management tool will be able to help you analyze all of your practice's data to identify key stats and trends. If you are looking for a solution that has advanced reporting and analytical functionality, consider ezyVet beautiful veterinary software.